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I'm a little befuddled that our two older children both own and love wearing cowboy boots. As a disclaimer, they were gifted to us. Nonetheless, they can't seem to take them off of their feet. They wear them with shorts, long pants, with sock and - ugh - without socks.

It makes me wonder if this Midwest family is becoming inTEXicated.

Jude laughs as his sister poses...again.

Then this afternoon, I caught Dan on the computer looking at, you guessed it, cowboy boots.  To which he added, "you know, I think I kind of like cowboy hats too."

To top it all off, Jude was trying to fix something and Dan asked him if he was able to do it.  "Well," Jude said, "ya need a mighty strong grip to do that."

It's official.  We're intexicated.


  1. I think the boots are too stinking cute! Bring on the "inTEXication"! :)

  2. Your kids are the best!

    Thats so kids love Cowboy boots too! In fact, I'm hot in search of some for Cooper for his birthday. Chloe got a pair of dress up "jesse" (from Toy Story) Cowboy boots for Christmas, which she wears EVERYWHERE (in spite of them being dress up boots, not REAL boots). Cooper strts crying every time she puts them on and asks for his "cow boots"- and he doesn't have any- nor does the Disney store! :) And, "cow boots" are mighty hard to find in these parts! :)

    How do you NOT become in TEXicated?!?!?

  3. I love "inTEXicated"! I'm going to use that--will be sure to credit you. We've been saying "texified" or "swampified" (Houston is more marshy than Hill Country), but inTEXicated is way cooler.

    We're resigning ourselves to M maybe wanting to listen to country music someday (Josh Groban is the gateway to country, don't ya know?), but I think if he ends up driving a pick up with a gun rack, we'll be a little disappointed. ;-)

    I may be fighting inTEXication, but I have to say, your kids do look really cute in those cowboy boots...


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