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School's Out for Summer!

It was Jude's last day of school today.  I took this picture of him standing next to the school's wood carving because I thought it would be fun to watch how much he grows in comparison to it.  He will be at this school through Kindergarden (two more years).

Here's Jude with one of his fabulous teachers.

The teachers made some special gifts for us, which they gave to us today.  I was moved to tears.  Obviously, I'm one sentimental mama! I feel so emotional as I watch my kids grow up.  They gave us this photo album which included all of the pictures that they had taken of Jude throughout the school year.  

Jude and his classmates were called the "ladybugs", so they gave us a stuffed ladybug picture frame with a picture of Jude which they took when they did his home visit last August.  [They came to play with him in our home, so he would feel more comfortable when starting school.  The school policy is also to have the parents come the entire first day of school, plus the kids have a shortened second day to ease them into it.  I'm overprotective, so I LOVE all of this!]  Jude has grown so much over the last year!  sniff! sniff!

Finally here are his name tags from his classroom + a recent art project.

And since I am posting about school, check out what he made for me for Mother's Day.  They gave us these gifts after putting on a special Mother's Day program for us.  The kids managed to keep the presents a secret!  I LOVED it!!!  What a special day!


  1. Love the Moms day gift-so cute! Wow, you guys are out of school early!!! We don't get out until the end of the first week in June.
    I can't wait actually-i love summer! Warm weather-swimming pools-yay! :)

  2. Awwwww all that stuff is so adorable! I love the note about you, kids are so cute! How fun watching them grow up. I look forward to getting school projects but I know I'll cry my eyes out too! :) Your schooling system sounds really cool down there, how nice for the kids to get "eased" into school!

  3. sweet! especially the words he "wrote" about you! you have to know that when i read thepart about you picking up gus, i smiled big! it really is mind-boggling how fast they grow!!!

  4. Such cute stuff! Those projects are so sweet. Hope you have a great summer!

  5. What a sweet little note Jude wrote for you!

  6. Oh Rachel,

    I love all of these treasures; what amazing keepsakes they are and will be as the years go by. I'm like sentimental with all the rights of passage....I know time marches onward, but why so quickly??

    I love how he described precious! And his little face in that ladybug frame...oh my gosh, so darling!

    Great idea too about taking his pic. by that incredible tree each year! I like the sound of this school!
    thanks for sharing that big smile!

  7. LOVE the Mother's Day present! What a great memory!


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