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Iris and the All Night Party

When I was pregnant with Iris, I had a sneaking suspicion that our girl might be a night owl .  She always liked to get her groove on right around midnight.  I could set my clock by it.

I tried to convince myself that maybe our days were just full enough that I only noticed her being more active at night. 

It turns out that my initial mama intuition was right.  Miss Iris likes to stay up most of the night while spending her days fast asleep, unaware of the activity (chaos?) that so often whirls around her.

Dan has taken two glorious weeks off of work, so we are both taking turns on night duty, alternating every couple of hours.  I was so tired last night that I fell asleep sitting up while nursing.   In my bed.  She's not yet proficient at nursing, but she's getting the hang of it.

Our days are spent keeping life as simple as possible.  We're doing a lot of this.

I'm trying to rest and recover while I can.  Since my baby is spending most of her days sleeping, my hands were free to work on this pin cushion caddy for my midwife who delivered Iris.

I made one for myself almost two years ago.  I'm not sure what I would do without it.

This project requires lots of hand sewing.  I added some hand embroidery, too.

Two perfect activities for lazy afternoons spent on the couch.  Though I wouldn't recommend attempting the latter at 2 am, under dim lights, with a baby in a Moby.  It isn't pretty.

{The pattern for the pin cushion caddy is from Anna Maria Horner's book Seams to Me.  There were a couple of small errors with this pattern.  The errata, along with a few other tips and clarifications can be found here.}


  1. Sounds like my kind of girl; wish I could be down there join the party-rockers in the house! Congrats again, can't wait to meet her in person!

  2. Holy Yummy Babiness!! She is a doll! ALMOST gives me baby fever. Congratulations, Rachel and Dan!

  3. Iris is gorgeous! She looks a lot like you. Very cool. ;-)

  4. We should text each other during middle of the night feedings! Oh and btw, I have fallen asleep nursing, sitting up in bed more times than I can count!
    I owe you an email. I have sick kiddos and me too. Trying to catch up a bit and I'll write ya! Iris is simply yum!!

  5. Love to all of you! She is just as gorgeous and intelligent as your other three! Couldn't be happier! Hope Evie is LOVING being a big sister!

  6. Wow, Iris is beautiful! She really resembles Jude! I want to call but don't want to interrupt sleep! Can't wait to hear about your experience and how the transition has been! Love you and have been praying for you!

  7. funny! hope you are getting much needed rest!

  8. Iris is an absolute doll. Here's hoping that she gets her days switched around soon; she will eventually. :)

  9. Hahaha! I just found this post. Which is pretty funny after our recent email exchange. Ah yes. I have a nighttime party animal too. And another baby who loves to sleep, no problem: as long as she has a boob in her mouth. Good times. :-)


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