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Another School Bus T-Shirt + a Fiesta Skirt

After I made Tarikua's giraffe t-shirt, I knew I wanted to make a t-shirt for Indigo, too.

oliver + s school bus + fiesta skirt

Until recently I never understood the desire to make t-shirts.  They're inexpensive to buy and I always felt that a t-shirt's a t-shirt.

oliver + s school bus t-shirt with fiesta skirt

But a t-shirt's not a t-shirt if it's in a giraffe print.  Nor if it's in chartreuse... with a hi-lo hem.

oliver + s school bus t-shirt with fiesta skirt

There's also something surprisingly exhilarating about making these t-shirts.  When I presented it to Indigo, she exclaimed, "You made that?!"

oliver + s school bus t-shirt with fiesta skirt

 Yeah, that's kind of how I felt, too.

oliver + s school bus t-shirt with fiesta skirt

 Then she paused and reminded me, as graciously as she could, "But I'm not that into t-shirts."

oliver + s school bus t-shirt with fiesta skirt

Yes, yes, it's true.  But I was hoping I could convince her by pairing it with a skirt made in a print with her name in it: Indigo Ikat Tika by Michael Miller

oliver + s school bus t-shirt with fiesta skirt

I used this Fiesta skirt tutorial for this skirt.  I really like the fullness of it.  It reminds me of these miniboden skirts.

oliver + s school bus t-shirt with fiesta skirt

 This is one of those fast-to-sew outfits that's satisfying to make and practical for everyday wear.

oliver + s school bus t-shirt with fiesta skirt


  1. it's great! i love that last photo of her, and love it with the skirt. Em wasn't that into t-shirts either until she realized how fun it was to pick out the perfect skirt/shirt combos, so i need to make her some more, too! ;)

  2. Fab tee and I love the skirt.
    I felt the same about sewing tees - but one of my boys had the same reaction as Indigo did - 'you made this?!' and so I happily make them :-)

  3. Both of those items are going to be fantastic wardrobe staples! They're lovely!

  4. love the hi/low hem! Finally a fad that I can fully embrace:) And that skirt totally reminded me of a miniBoden outfit before I even read your comment - the fun fabric has a Boden-esque feel to it. What a fun, springy outfit - I hope Indigo will get get much wear from it!

    1. Dan calls the hi low hem the 'cover the plumber's crack' hem! ha! But yeah, I love that style too! Indigo was asking for her skirt already so I'll take that as a great sign.

  5. making t-shirts is the best ;)

  6. Lovely outfit, and great photos as always.

  7. Lovely outfit! And the fabric and style on that skirt is fabulous! I'm hoping that my little girl takes more of a liking to skirts as there are so many great patterns to try!

  8. I love the fullness of the skirt too! Twirlability is becoming increasingly important around here, so I'm going to have to make more skirts like that :-) And the t-shirt does look perfectly made. I always have trouble with the neckline and yours looks extremely professional!

    1. Sanae, thank you so much! That means a lot to me!

  9. Love both of these, Rachel! The chartreuse fabric is intense! (In a good way). Where is it from?? -E

  10. Lovely! I especially like the skirt. I felt that way the first time I made a t-shirt too. Yours looks fantastic!


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