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Singapore Math Daily Schedule : Grades 2, 3, 4, and 5

During the last two summers, I spent nearly 20 hours creating a Singapore Math daily schedule for grades 2-5.  The Singapore Math Instructor's Guides lay out a rough weekly schedule, but trying to sort it out each week kind of made my head hurt.  It has been so much easier to do it all in one sitting and then know exactly what needs to be done every day for the entire year.

I thought I would share it here, in case it might help you, too.

This schedule reflects our preferences in scheduling math work.  We prefer to do math on Mondays - Thursdays, taking Fridays off.  Sometimes, though, there will be an exercise on Fridays.  We do 17 weeks of math per semester, taking the last week of each semester off.  

These schedules are for the Singapore Math textbooks, workbooks, mental math and enrichment exercises found in the Instructor's Guide (mostly in the appendix), and the Singapore Intensive Practice workbooks.   A note about the Intensive Practice workbooks : Sometimes the Intensive Practice problems are just that, intense.  We don't always do every single problem from those books, though we do do most.  This schedule is not meant to crush kids with math but to serve as a guide and make life easier for you.  :)

Click below for the schedule of your choice.

Happy problem solving!


  1. Hello my dear . So I've been thinking about your knitting. When you start to knit a stitch, the yarn is behind the needle you use to 'poke' into the stitch. An extra stitch can happen when the yarn is in the front, then when we go to wrap the yarn around the needle, it lays over the needle we used to poke the stitch thereby creating an extra stitch. Just try to keep the yarn at the back and you should be all good ; )
    P.s. This likely makes no sense ; )

  2. Wow! 20 hours of work shared with us just like that! Thank you SO MUCH! I haven't used Singapore for a long time mainly for this reason and I've saved this because now I'm considering it again! This should go viral! ;)

    Just a quick note, when I save them to my folder and was editing the titles to get them to go in order, I noticed that the 5A and 5B schedules were titled 2A and 2B (at the end of the titles) so there were 2 each with that at the end. Just thought you might want to know.

    Thank you so much again! :)

    1. Aw, I really hope it helps. I would love it if this could make life a little easier for homeschooling mamas, because so often we feel so stretched as it is. I know I searched the Internet for something like this before I created my plan, but nothing turned up.

      I will have my husband look into the issue with the way the schedules were saved. It may have been that he formatted the new schedules based on the ones from the previous year. But I will definitely look into it. Thank you for bringing that to my attention! :)

  3. wow thanks! We are on grade one, but this might be helpful for next year :)

    1. Oh great! We are also doing grade 1 for one of our children, but decided to use lots of manipulatives, making it very hands on, and we are going at her own pace. :) That is why I did not include a Grade 1 schedule.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your Singapore Math schedules! I was having trouble figuring out how to incorporate the intensive practices and still finish in 36 weeks! I really appreciate you sharing your hard work!!!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it! I'm really glad you found it useful!

  5. Thank you 1000x over for this! I have been making myself crazy with the IG layout. I cannot thank you enough for this wonderful service you have done for everyone.

  6. Hi there, Thank you for this!

    For 3rd grade were you working off of the Standards, US or Common Core version?

    Thank you :)


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