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Doula Workshop

I am very excited to announce that I am going to start training to become a doula.  "Doula" is a Greek word which means "woman's servant", but wikipedia gives a great, simple description of what a doula is:
"A doula is a non-medical assistant who provides various forms of non-medical support (physical, emotional, and informed choice) in the childbirth process."

I am attending a weekend workshop in Austin this weekend to start the process.  This is something I've been thinking about doing for a long time, but the timing is finally starting to seem right.  I am so passionate about the topics of pregnancy and childbirth and how they impact women (beyond the obvious).  I am forever grateful to both of my doulas for the help, support and insight that they provided me during my pregnancy, labor, and postpartum experiences.  Here's a picture of my doula with my sweet Indigo, just hours after her birth.  She was amazing.

Non sequiturs:
If you like chai tea (also called yogi tea), I found a great recipe here.

My mother-in-law recently told me the best and fastest way to cut a mango.  Not only has this made my life easier, but my kids are eating more mangoes than ever, which they love.  Here's a You Tube video that uses the technique that she taught me.  Happy Mango Eating!


  1. Rachel, congrats on your doula training!! I had homebirths with all 4 of my children and I LOVED all of my doulas (and midwives!)

    Thanks for the chai & mango tips as well! :)


  2. wow! makes me want to go buy a mango...and a super sharp knife like the guy uses!

    keep us updated on your training!!! very cool!

  3. Hi Rachel...I'm Amy, found your blog through the big Taiwan adoption blogs list. Just wanted to say hello, congratulations on your decision--very cool--and your children are beautiful!

  4. Hey, Rachel! I am still out of town but checking e-mails and reading blogs when I get a moment...that is very exciting about your doula training! I did not have one either birth, but definitely could have used one especially with CJ's birth. We went in with a definite birthing plan in writing that my doctor was on board with as well but of course, nothing went as "planned!" My water ruptured early, super long birth followed by pitocin ...need I say more? Perhaps if /when we have a third child I will investigate my options and have a "plan" again and perhaps even doula!

    Also, I LOVE chai! We are definite fans of it in my house...thanks for the tip!

  5. Rachel, I'm so excited for your doula training!! A good friend of mine acted as a quasi-doula for me during both my births and she was so wonderful! (She will actually be going with me to Taiwan as well-a different type of doula I suppose) What an exciting development! Sarah = )


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