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Mystery of the Guest Room Shenanigan

I was cleaning up the lunch dishes while the kids played upstairs.  It suddenly fell silent so I knew I'd better go up and check out the scene.  I saw that the door to our guest room was closed.  Not a good sign!  My sis is coming into town tonight and I had just cleaned the room so it would be ready for her.  I tried to open the door.  It was locked.  They were definitely up to something.  I demanded that Jude open the door immediately. I heard him unlock it and then dash into the closet to hide.  I opened the door.  

There was toilet paper everywhere.  EVE.RY.WHERE.  

I just stood there in shock for a moment.  

Indi looked at me, looked down at her bear and back at me.  She then exclaimed, "Mama, BEAR did it!"

Yep, it was bear who singlehandedly TPed the entire guest room.  The kids had *nothing* to do with it.  


  1. Those naughty bears are always getting into trouble, aren't they??

    Good thing there wasn't a can of PAM nearby!! :)

    Cute story!!


  2. My son frequently blames his actions on Little Maisy (his small stuffed dog). Little Maisy has even gotten some time outs. Since Oscar is her daddy, he takes her in and times it until she can come out. It cracks me up!


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