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Looking on the Bright Side

We were at a craft store yesterday picking up a few things. As I was unloading the cart to check out, I noticed that the sun catcher that Indigo had picked out to paint was missing a googly eye.

I said, "Uh-oh, Indi, it's missing an eye! Should we return it and choose another one?"

She replied, "No, it's okay, Mom. It's winking!"


  1. THAT my friend just made my DAY! You should frame that picture & dialogue and have it hanging in your house! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

    (((HUGS))) Indi!

  2. How adorable....yes it IS winking! I love how kids think outside the box;-).


  3. So very clever and SO very sweet!! Thanks for sharing that *wink* and a smile!

  4. So cute! I just visited your's been a LONG time-i haven't blogged myself or looked at anyone else's for that fact...brings back memories! YOu're doing great updating yours-love your camping story as well!

    I just heard that Taiwan has been "on hold/shut down" for a long time-that is SO horrible-makes me so sad...yet, thankful we got K when we did!
    nicole k.

  5. What a sweet heart and a sharp little imagination!


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