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Around Here

:: Evie is adding more and more words to her vocabulary.   On this particular morning, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, flashed me a huge smile, pointed to her hair and exclaimed "Fro!"

:: I am feeling the need to slow down and take a little bit of time for quiet each day.  I love that this girl is eager to join me.

:: Jude's love affair with legos began this summer.  They keep little hands busy for a long time, which makes me love legos, too - even if there are a bunch of tiny pieces.  It means he's doing this

instead of this

And no, that photo is not staged.  I happened to have my camera nearby and snapped this photo just before telling Jude that we absolutely do not use the sling shot to shoot Scotch tape... well, at least not in the house.   :)

:: We made bread yesterday.  "Let rise in a warm place"?  Done!

Does anyone have a good whole wheat bread recipe that they'd recommend?  We're always looking.

:: This pickle recipe was amazing... even if it does look like a jar of swamp water.

I cut the sugar in half.  I used this recipe to make the pickling spice.  Next time, I'll make them hotter by adding more red pepper flakes.

:: I have a stack of projects this close to being completed. 

I'm waiting for some fabric to arrive so I can finish them up.

And that's what's going on around here this week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh this post was just yummy ~ I have homemade bread on my mind and pretty girls and busy boys dancing there too!

    Evie has grown so much and it would seem in so many ways too!

    Glad you are feeling well and taking the time to just "be" and enjoy a moment or two each day.

    Love the new blog look too!!



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