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Waking Up

This little one has her days and nights confused, so we had a rare opportunity to see these eyes open for more than a minute or two during daylight hours.

We are soaking in all things newborn - those sweet sleep smiles, curled up legs, her nursing squeaks, the way she can grasp our finger with her fingers or her toes.  Lots of time spent in arms or skin to skin.


  1. Oh, how precious she is. Going to have to fight off that itch forva newborn now!

    That hat is adorable! Praying now that your transition goes smoothly.

  2. Precious! You are wise to soak it all in. Every cuddle, smell, squeak, and suckle! ( even if you are bleary eyed!)
    Cute hat too. She's a doll Rachel.

  3. Gosh, is she adorable! So glad you are enjoying those hazy post-baby days! :)

    Scot wants to have another're making sound all sweet and blissful, then there are the cute pictures.....maybe I'll have to think this over! :)

  4. she already looks so big! hope you are hanging in there...sleep deprivation is tough! she is beautiful!


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