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A {Modified} Puppet Show Dress for the {Almost} Birthday Girl

Today is Iris' last day of being a one year old.

We celebrated her birthday's eve by putting a candle in her piece of (this) banana bread at breakfast this morning.  Which was rather thrilling for her.

birthday's eve

Until, that is, Indigo nervously warned her not to get too close to the flame.

birthday's eve

She did not like.  Nope, not one bit. (I think Indi might have scared her.)

birthday's eve

Whew.  Deep breath.

birthday's eve

And on to happier things, like a new dress for the (almost) birthday girl.

puppet show - modified

I actually modified the puppet show pattern first for this dress.  I used polka dot in ocean by dear stella.

puppet show - modified
(Because no outfit is complete without matching safety goggles.)

And then there were the buttons.  Oh those buttons.  I decided to buy extra special ones (here).  And being the anti-hoarder that I can to be, I ordered exactly the number I needed.  Rather than, you know, ordering a spare button or two.

buttons - puppet show

(I am learning these lessons the hard way.)


I had finished the dress and had hand-sewed the buttons on the cuffs.  It was midnight and I contemplated settling in and sewing the other seven.  I told Dan if I didn't sew them then, one of the kids might accidentally lose one of the buttons.

puppet show, cuffs

But that's ridiculous.  That's never happened before.


So I went to bed.

The following day, Jude and I were working on his grammar lesson together on the couch.  He was reading to me while I was sewing on the back buttons.  I had the buttons in a padded envelope next to me, which he dumped upside down, thinking it was empty.


The buttons fell into the couch.  I took off the cushions and realized they had somehow fallen through a hole into the inside of the couch, where the springs are.  Let's just say it wasn't pretty and after fishing for them and cutting up my arm on the springs, I still didn't have my buttons.

When Dan came home, he put on leather gloves and dug in, determined to find my missing buttons.  And he did find all of them... except for one.

bright eyed

So I resigned myself to ordering more buttons.   I waited another two weeks and this time ordered a few to spare.


They were worth it.

puppet show

{Those are the Sunki Leggings (yes, again!) and I forgot to mention last time that when modifying this pattern, I did make the collar just a little larger.}


  1. Oh, this is such a funny button-story :-) :-)
    Love the dress, especially with those yellow buttons...!

  2. Yes, those buttons were worth it!

  3. A pretty dress for a sweet girl! Happy Birthday to her!

  4. Happy birthday newly-two Iris! I love how the candle photos tell a story . . . you captured it perfectly! And your button story made me laugh as I do the exact same thing! My husband always asks, "Why didn't you order a few extra?" I'm still learning . . . :) But you're right - those buttons are just perfect so it was a good call to order more. A beautiful birthday dress indeed!

    1. thanks, lucinda! hopefully next time we'll both order a button or two to spare! :)

  5. Oh, happy birthday! I really like the idea of celebrating their birthday eve.

    Great pics and fabulous buttons :-)

    1. thanks so much. my husband and i started the birthday's eve tradition when we were first married. it's a lot of fun. though it sometimes makes things a little crazy in april when we have three birthdays (almost) in a row. it becomes quite the ordeal! :)

  6. Happy birthday! She is so cute and I'm very familiar with how a moment can change for the dramatic just as you captured it. Your button story made me laugh (sorry) but the dress is a triumph!

  7. Oh the buttons! Of course that has to happen with something simple like buttons. But you won in the end! Take that.

  8. Holy gorgeousness! The dress is perfect, especially with the hard own buttons. Happy Birthday to your littlest - time is a speedster of epic proportions!

  9. Adorable! And so true: no outfit IS complete without safety glasses.

  10. another perfectly gorgeous dress! the buttons are indeed wonderful. happy very late birthday to your little doll!

  11. Be sure to send your correct measurements to the makers because they are so detailed. My dress fits so well and I was reluctant to take it off after the fitting.
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