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Art Camp Day 3

Our craft for today was inspired by Eric Carle's book The Very Busy Spider as well as the Itsy Bitsy Spider song. I do not recommend this craft. Total flop. If you think it looks cute, do not be deceived. It's super sweary (especially if you do not have tape), cannot be done by young kids, and when you're done making it, they won't play with it.

In Jude's words (to Dan on the phone when he asked), "It was a stupid craft and Mama had a stupid time putting it together." Now normally we do not allow "stupid" to be used in our home, but since I was using it about the craft, Jude thought he could use it too. And to fuel the fire, when he said it, Dan and I both laughed. Because it was true.

You win some, you lose some...

1 comment:

  1. Well, that motto certainly rings true in our house too! You do win and lose some...and pick your battles along the way!! LOL

    I'm sorry this one didn't go your way and I stopped by the other day to leave a thought on your cutie pie lady bugs and then got distracted.... :( Never made it back!!

    But I still love what you are doing this week and it just means they will love the successes all the more for the miss!!

    Thanks for sharing your inspired week!!


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