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Around here

:: I can distinctly remember the sadness I felt as a child the day after Christmas.  After all, it was the furthest day in the entire calendar year from the next Christmas.  From my bedroom window, I'd watch my dad drag our Christmas tree out to our back yard to his burning bin, the flames from the tree soon juxtaposed against the dark night sky. 

This year, I felt a similar post-Christmas letdown as Dan hauled our tree out while Indigo and I carefully packed away ornaments.  A month's worth of work, planning, making, shopping, wrapping - all over so quickly.  Yet after our tree was out the door and the ornaments tucked away, I felt a sense of relief to get back to life as usual.  The room felt open again.  A space cleared for all the new year has to bring, perhaps? 

::  Inspired by another adoptive parent and friend, we're leaving our mantle decorations and a second (smaller) tree up through January 7th, which is Ethiopian Christmas (Ganna).  We're making plans on how to celebrate.  I placed this book on hold at the library.   If you're a parent in the Ethiopian adoption community, how do you celebrate Ganna?

::  Of all of the Christmas gifts given and received, I believe this one is this year's family favorite.  You'll be torn between loving it and wanting to throw it against the wall... only to pick it back up and try, try again.

::  This is an awesome way to roast a chicken.  And the bread salad?  Incredible.

:: Dan and I joke that our anniversary shall henceforth be called our 'universary'.  The day after Christmas, it always seems to get lost in the shuffle.  We're okay with it.

::  I plan to share the details about the handmade items that made their way under our tree soon.

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