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Kids Clothes Week : A Skater Dress

Not only is it Kids Clothes Week, but around here, it's also birthday week!  We have three birthdays in five days.  Tarikua's was on Monday, Dan's was on Tuesday and Indigo's is tomorrow.  That means today is this girl's last day of being 6.  And this here is her birthday's eve dress.

skater dress
We have a tradition of celebrating both birthdays and birthdays' eve.   Because we really like to celebrate.

skater dress

This is the Skater Dress... again.  (I adapted the pattern a little, like I did here.)  Needless to say, I really like this pattern.  I bought the fabric here.

skater dress

Indigo is our resident mother hen.  She's so kind and nurturing - just a deeply caring person.  She's quick to offer hugs and cuddles to her younger siblings.  The other day I heard her tell Iris, "Come and give me a hug, Iris.  Because we always have time for hugs!"

skater dress 

She's growing up alright.  It's so fun to watch her develop into the person she's meant to be, the one that's so uniquely her.  She's so artistic and creative and funny.  She loves to encourage and is just a joy to be around.

skater dress

And speaking of growing, this baby's growing like a weed, too! Indigo and I were laughing so much about how much my belly resembles a watermelon.

24 weeks

And with sixteen(ish) more weeks to go!  More often than not, it feels like that's just around the corner.


  1. Beautiful dress, stunning fabric, Hope your sweet girl has a lovely birthday :)

  2. happy birthday to your sweet girl. somehow didn't realize you were pregnant--so congrats! also...can i have some of that kryptonite you've got? cause you've gotta be super woman to get all this done...with your large family ...and a pregnant belly...AND it looks flawless. amazing!

    1. Oh, Sarah, it's definitely not flawless. Today, we met Dan for lunch for Indigo's birthday and I noticed Iris was wearing two different shoes - one moccasin and one mary jane. But thank you for leaving such a nice comment. :)

  3. I have been looking at that first picture for minutes.... It's so beautiful!
    Lovely dress, super comfi I guess, and gee: what a super celebration week you guys have each year! Congrats to all of you :-)

    1. Thank you, Eva Maria. Comfort wins out, for sure!

  4. Oh, she looks so much like you in that profile shot where she is looking up! :-) I never saw the resemblance so intensely before!

    I love love love that fabric! I have been eyeing that shop for ages, but oooh, heavens, spendy! Still, most knits are so cheap and bad, it's probably totally worth it. You know, I am always saying, it's not worth using cheap crappy fabric - much better to spend the money on the good stuff.

    Super cute dress, and happy birthday to everyone! With eves counted too, that's a solid week of celebrating!

  5. I'm with Eva, that first image is breathtaking. So beautiful.
    The dress is very, very pretty and she looks like a model!
    Happy belated birthdays to gorgeous Tia and wonderful Dan and now to lovely Indy!
    Of course I hit the link to where that divine fabric came from, so now I'm off to browse.....

  6. My youngest recently turned six too:) However, she wasn't as lucky to receive such a wonderful birthday's eve dress! I'm so glad you're loving this pattern - it suits your girls so well. And I would imagine that it's a fun, easy dress to wear (plus the twirl factor!)
    What a fun, busy week for you of celebrating! Lots of love and celebration in your household . . .

    1. Indigo actually just turned 7, so her birthday's eve was her last day of being 6! I guess that could be a little confusing - the whole birthday/birthday's eve thing. It's such a great age! <3

  7. what a beautiful dress! I love the fabric, and I'm also a big fan of that pattern (just need to get my hands on some knit fabric!). I hope Indigo had a lovely birthday. Alexander turned 7 on the's funny that their birthdays are so close to each other! Your baby belly is looking fabulous, too. Hugs xoxo

  8. wow what great fabric! would be so fun to wear - gotta love those knit dresses for non-iron factor, too. happy birthday to indigo!

  9. so lovely, both the dress and the seven year old!! happy birthday!

  10. Oh GOODness--did you ask her to do that first pose? Love that pic! Belated happy birthdays to Dan and Indigo! Agree with the folks who mentioned the looking up picture looks just like you, and Indigo is a really good model. P.S. Just catching up, and noticed you changed the site layout--looks awesome!

    1. Actually, I didn't. That was all Indigo. :) And thanks about the site - I didn't do that either. Someone in the adoption community (domestic foster care) does graphic design so I love to support their family and I adore her work. :)


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